Saturday, December 25, 2010


Dena and I are pretty much geniuses. It started off with me wanting to improve my wardrobe/reinvent myself. I am hanging butcher paper in my room and making a mind map of things that inspire me so I can understand my own personal style better. Because some mornings I wake up and like bows and ruffles, and then some days, I want ripped tights and vans. That's my part of the plan.

Dena then said that we should draw all our items of clothes on recipe boxes. For instance, draw one shirt on one card, one pair of jeans on the other, etc. in order to mix and match and see exactly what we have in our wardrobes. Then we can take them into stores and such. And if I borrow a shirt, I can take it from her box and put it in mine.

Super cute ideas right? I am so excited! Oh, and Dena, I found this video for you.

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